Saturday, September 29, 2007

Reading Journal week3

During this week, I spent most of time to browsing the webs because I couldn't difine the keywords. I've had a wasted time untill I could define the keywords for my topic. The keywords are carcinogens, toxic cosmetics and health hazard of cosmetics. By the time I found a worthwhile websites, I used Google Alerts and Wikipidia. These websites are useful, I posted the websites that I used in my blog, so you can click into the websites and then you can know alot about the effects of cosmetics. If I know more websites, I'll post in my blog again. In my reading journal week3, I've learned hazards of cosmetics that link to cancer form Leign Erin Connealy,M.D. journal;nevertheless, I didn't look up information about cosmetic allergies,so that I plan to research into cosmetic alergies.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Example video

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Summary listening Steve Jobs CEO Apple 's company.

Steve told his 3 stories about his experiences in life.
First is about his experiences because he didn't want to study in college but he learned how to save life from he work. The second is he found what he wanted to do. He loved to work in Apple 's company and he fought to get it eventhough he had some problems.Third is he found that, he shouldn't waste his life because he didn't know when he'll die.
After I listened his speech I realised to get my goals because I don't want to miss it. His experiences really usefull to me. Right now I know what I love and what I want to do ,so I should do it and if I 'll have some problem I shouldn't fear it. I have to encounter the problems that defeat my goals.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

How did "Little Miss Sunshine" make my feel?

I feel impression to the story. I think of my family because when I have some problems or when I feel confusing usually I consult with my family. In the scene,Dwayne told Olive go to hug mother when she felt sorrowful with finished of Olive's granpa life. It implies to the concern in their family although Dwayne 's characteristic was opposite. I think of my father because when I was a childhood I didn't like to confer with my father. His characteristic is sternness but now I have known my father known everything about me from my mom. He quite quiet but if he knows what I want he never passes up to encourage me.

Introduce myself

This is Patchara,my nickname is Pui.I came from Thailand. I have been here for 5 months.I think Toronto is interesting city because I can perceive multicultural that I had never known before.I think when I goback my country I 'll still remember this city.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

final research topic for 5b

Hi everybody,
During this course, I would like to research on the effect of the cosmetics. The reasons why I am fascinated to know about the effect of cosmetic as I think we consume cosmetics everyday. And also not only women use cosmetics, but also men use too. The consumers never recognise the products contain with ingredients suspected of causing cancer. I’d search for the harmful of chemical in cosmetic, and the effect on the bodies.

I hope my research is useful for your guys.
Thank you.